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Apr 23, 2019
FAANG will steal my ideaI will not validate my startup idea, FAANG will steal it.
Mar 22, 2019
When to register our startupCreating a startup doesn't mean registering our company. It is essential to know when & where we should register our startup as a company.
Mar 5, 2019
How to name our startupNaming our startup is one of the first thoughtful decisions we have to make. In this session we will see couple of pointers which will make naming our startup a bit straight forward.
Feb 25, 2019
Are we ready to be an entrepreneur?We explored why does one become an entrepreneur, now we will see what does it take for one to be an entrepreneur.
Feb 18, 2019
Why does one become an entrepreneur?Why does one become an entrepreneur? Now that I have been an entrepreneur, I can say what it really means to be an entrepreneur.